2015-12-15: Hi! You're probably here because you did a Google search for 'plus sized horseback riders' or you saw my content quoted elsewhere. There are a couple of things I'd like you to know.

I am still here! But I am living away from my horses and not riding often. I could tell you a lie and say that I am, but I have always endeavored to give you the truth here. As a result, I'm not feeling terribly motivated to write blog posts and I feel out of touch with the community.

I'd love for you to stay a while and look back through the archives. Visit the links listed below. We still have an active forum community and I post on the Facebook page from time to time.

I have tentative plans to try to get more involved in the horse world in 2016, and I will absolutely share whatever that adventure becomes with you, so keep checking back!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Not Fat Horse Related...

But I thought I could share here anyways.

My fur family is minus one member this morning. Due to rapidly and aggressively progressing bone cancer, we laid our 12 year old great dane, Sasha, to rest this morning.

Her zoomies, grumbles, and trips to the barn with us will be sorely missed. I got up early this morning to help the vet out and support my father, who took it very hard. We had known her time was coming soon. She will be buried at the top of our field with her mother and my GSD puppy mill rescue that we lost back in August.

Photo taken two years ago, she got progressively whiter in the face these last couple of years.


  1. So sorry for your loss... It's such a hard choice to make, but now she is running pain-free with her mom and GSD pal.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  3. Thanks, folks.

    I knew that it was time for her to go - put her mother down about two years ago this time of year - I was ready and made sure I was there because both my father and the vet were extremely teary-eyed.

    I have come to accept having an animal euthanised with a very matter of fact approach. I have been on both sides and I definitely prefer having them put to sleep than having them die naturally of something painful!
