I started a new job on Monday. I have really, really been enjoying it so far (we'll see how that changes once I stop training and start dealing with customers face to face!), but it takes me out of the home for 12+ hours per day.
HOW ON EARTH does everyone balance getting up at the buttcrack of dawn, going to work and mentally exhausting yourself, and then coming home and finding time somewhere between dinner and dark to work with ONE horse, never mind two or three? Add to that trying to work out every day...
I am just so tired by the time I land home (and I am not even working a physically strenuous job... however, I have coerced myself into high heels every day this week to fit the "young professional" appearance) that all I want to do is lay down.
The last couple of days, I have managed to get myself up off my kiester and go for a walk or do a couple of miles along with Leslie. I have a needy dog so generally, I walk 4 kilometres with him in tow to satisfy both the exercise need and Morrie's need for some one-on-one... but by the time I get back, it's dark! It doesn't help that I have to commute 45 minutes in each direction.
I am hoping things will take a turn for the better as the days begin to get longer and my body gets accustomed to being in a work environment daily and keeping 'regular business hours' (first time I have worked 'regular business hours', which includes evenings and weekends off in a loooooong time!), and I get my body all straightened out.
This isn't all bad, of course. There are so many ways that this job is going to benefit Bronwyn, Rex and Ari in the long run, once I get myself sorted out, that I can't help but smile when I think about how lucky I am to have gotten hired. I'm making more money, for one, which means that I will definitely be able to look into buying a trailer which means that I will definitely be able to start showing or at least riding in other places, attending clinics, etc. I will have my weekends and most evenings off so that means that I will be able to ATTEND more of these things since I can afford them. Life is going to look up for this Fat Girl's horses! (There are a bunch of ways all of this benefits me, too - like actual dental and medical benefits, but the more important stuff is how much better my horses will live now!)
So overall, I am hoping I will have a lot more to say to you on the 'working with Bronwyn' front in the very near future -- I promise I won't keep you waiting too long.
A little housekeeping:
Don't forget to visit our forum, guys!
(Also, don't forget that in order to view the forum, you are going to have to sign up. In order to protect the safe environment we have created here, I'd also just ask that you pop into the introduction forum and post something so we know you are not just a troll!)
Yes, I did add some Google ads. I have grappled long and hard with the idea of advertising on the blog and while I would like to do simply private, relevant advertising (ie companies that cater to plus sized equestrians buying space), the clientele and readership is simply just not there yet. In the meantime, I am hoping the Google ads are not too intrusive and remain relevant. I draw the line at putting inline text ads, so I hope where they are positioned is not too crappy.
As a couple of last awesome little points:
My friend Carina has a guest entry almost ready to go and then I will share my reflections on my trip to Arizona. It was a deeply moving and emotional experience for me and I think I only touched the tip of the iceberg with what I wrote while I was there.
If you are in the Maritimes and planning to attend the Atlantic Horse Fair this weekend, PLEASE STOP BY AND SEE ME! I will be at the Happy Horse Designs booth, which will probably look quite a lot like this:

I will look like... well, myself.
I probably won't have much time to update again until next week, so in the meantime - have a wonderful weekend and I hope everybody gets a chance to enjoy some nice weather and some pony time!
Oh hun, when it comes to horses-sometimes you just make the time! I need to write-but in the pasture my poneh awaits for me to come ride her! It's killing me-such a nice day!! Maybe Michael will feel like riding after work!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog awhile ago and have following you for quite some time. I may have some tips for you on how to keep yourself energized so that you have more time to work your horses after work:
ReplyDelete- Wearing smaller heels or even buying insoles that add comfort help your feet from getting extra sore.
- I find that orange juice, a bowl of cereal, and a banana keep me energized most of the day as well as a decent lunch.
Keep up the great work and remember to take some time for yourself every once in a while!