Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Reason Why I Can't Ride This Summer...

I had big plans for this summer, I really did. I even thought about paying for some clinics back in January so I wouldn't be able to back out on them! I bought my NBEA membership so I would have insurance and be able to qualify for local horse events. And then at the end of January...something happened.
(you can click to enlarge to read the text...)

I know lots of women ride when they are pregnant. In fact, the running joke is my own mother stopped just long enough to give birth to me and I was practically born on horseback. But because both Bronwyn and I are out of shape and haven't ridden much in the last couple of years, I've made the decision not to ride during this pregnancy. I love her and I trust her but she jumps out from under me just too often. Soooo...anyone wanna come ride her for me this summer? LOL


  1. We knew it was coming, yea!
    Happy for you and can't blame you. You can still work with her and keep that bond.

  2. Congratulations!! :) I'm sure you'll have your little one out in the barn for her first ride in no time at all.

    And think of it this way- now an excuse to shop for a suitable pony!

  3. Congratulations!!! Lots of fun things you can do on the ground instead. :)

  4. I'm still in that same conundrum! My solution for this pregnancy was to go out on hikes with my mare! We got trail exposure and exercise and bonding!

    I've done a lot of groundwork! It can be a good thing to step back and work on basics and handling when you can't ride.

    But I'll be honest, I cheated here and there. I couldn't stay out of the saddle!

  5. Congrats!! That's so exciting! I think I'm just a month ahead of you, and I gotta say, even if you WANTED to keep riding, it does get harder and harder. Nothing like coming back to it once you're ready :) Best part about ponies is they're always eager to just spend a summer eating :)

  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!! What a wonderful year you have had, & it's about to be even better!

  7. I'm so late to the party but huge congrats girl! I am so delighted for you ☺☺☺☺
