Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Favourite: Stacy Westfall & Whizzards Baby Doll

My Friday Favourite this week was a no brainer after hearing the news about Whizzards Baby Doll ("Roxy"). One of those unfair and inconcievable losses of life in the equine world, a lot like Hickstead! I was very saddened to hear the news of her passing, and even more heartbreaking that they were unable to save his foal. You can keep your horse wrapped in bubble wrap, watch it 24/7 and sometimes, things just happen. They aren't a part of your control, and they aren't preventable, they just happen.

I am a little peeved that I can't locate the photographic proof at the moment, but I was blessed to be able to see Stacy, Jesse and Roxy perform at a horse fair several years ago. They did a completely charming bridleless reining duet (is it called a duet?) to "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better". It was so clearly evident that Stacy cared about that horse and was doing something she loved with her!

Every once in a while, I pull out the "famous" video and take a look at the viral sensation that amazed horsepeople and non horsepeople alike, and it still brings tears to my eyes and goosebumps to my flesh to watch! Enjoy.


  1. WOW what a duo! Goosebumps, a lump in my throat- her dad must have been so proud- she did a beautiful job. What a horse! Thank you for sharing! I thought I would watch just 30 seconds to get the gist of it, but watched the entire thing I was so engrossed.


  2. She did a wonderful show. I am so amazed she even don't wear a proper attire in the entire show. The horse movements are so quick. It must have been hard if you're not an expert. She must have trained her horse very well to perform such a wonderful show. Nice video. Can't wait to see more videos such as this.
